Showing posts with label Google's New Search Engine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google's New Search Engine. Show all posts

Aug 16, 2009

Google Caffeine Sandbox | The Next Generation Search Engine!

Google Caffeine Sandbox
I am happy to tell you that Google's had been working in a secrete project called "The Next Generation Search Engine" for several months. The project is almost completed. Google has opened the search engine for users yesterday. You can now visit and say that you are the first person to use the next generation search engine.

There is no change in the UI, but is faster in indexing and crawling. Caffiene will reduce spaming and will give the best results.

If you want to compare google caffiene sandbox with google old search engine, try this tool compare here

Don't forget to tell what do you feel about it. Google is waiting for your valuable feedback to polish the new search engine. Try searching Wikipedia too.

Google also has changed it's logo into "Perseid Meteor Shower" on Aug 10. Perseid Meteor Shower occurs every year on august. see more

image by Google

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