Showing posts with label DEVICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEVICE. Show all posts

Sep 7, 2009

Brainport for Blinds | Lollipop assisting blinds

Ah! I can see the world.

It is not less then a MIRACLE that now blinds can see their surroundings with this innovation. Scientists of WICAB Inc. got success in developing a gadget called BRAINPORT which demonstrated the ability to interpret images for human brain. Brianport has three parts. A camera is fitted on the mid of the goggle. The tiny camera picks up the images and videos and send it to a hand held device - control unit (looks like a cellphone or mobile). The chip embedded in control unit then converts the images into electronic pulses. The contrast and zoom can be adjusted by the given buttons on the control unit or control panel of the brainport. A lollipop kind of stick, which sits on the tongue in order to receive signals, is placed inside the mouth. The stick is made up of an array of electrodes. The lollipop stick receives the impulses and transfers it to the nerve cells of the tongue. Then the brain recognizes the images in the form of pixels and polygonal. The images are slightly monochromatic.
Its only helpful for them whose optical path in the brain is working.

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